- About Us
- Mission/Vision
- Purpose & Goals
- Core Values
The New York State Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators (NYSALAS) was created by a group of Latino superintendents and administrators who met to discuss the organizational structure, philosophy, and goals of forming a New York affiliate of the national organization, ALAS. It hoped that the Association would generate wings to success for Latino educators and the students we serve throughout the state of New York. The organizing members received support from our national organization.
NYSALAS was formally established in the summer of 2019. The mission of NYSALAS is to advocate for aspiring and current Latino and Latina administrators by promoting best practices, professional learning, communication, and networking to support the growing Latino community throughout New York State. We serve as the professional organization for educational leaders across New York who are Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Directors, Assistant Principals, and overall leaders and aspiring leaders. Now, more than ever, the need exists to support a New York and national association focused on identifying, training, and supporting Latino school administrators and superintendents.
Please support NYSALAS mission and increase the capacity of leaders in the state of New York
The mission of NYSALAS is to advocate for aspiring and current Latino and Latina administrators by promoting best practices, professional learning, communication and networking to support the growing Latino community throughout New York State.
The purpose of NYSALAS is to link aspiring, current and retired school administrators from across New York State of Latino and Hispanic background and those interested in supporting local, regional, and statewide efforts to support the teaching and learning of all NYS students with an emphasis on increasing opportunities and outcomes for Latino/Latina students.
Our Goals:
Foster opportunities for Latino educators into leadership positions.
Ensure educational equity for all students, especially those of Latino heritage.
Advocate on issues at the federal, state, and local level that support equitable educational policies impacting Latino students.
Provide opportunities to build the capacity of the organization and its members.
Develop strategic partnerships with various organizations throughout the state and at the national level that acknowledge and support the academic achievement of Latino youth.
Promote bilingual education as a logical educational process and approach by which success on the part of all students is enhanced through learning in their first language while they are learning to function in their second language.
Promote recognition by the total community of the importance of bilingualism and its contributions toward better understanding among people.
Promote bilingual instruction, with recognition that the teaching of language skills and the enhancement of conceptual growth is most meaningful and effective when presented with an awareness and appreciation of the strengths of cultural and linguistic differences among people.
ACE- Advocacy, Collaboration, and Empowerment